Unknown information of the human body
Man is an impeccable creation of the Creator. We may know a lot about the human body but beyond that there is a lot of amazing unknown information. Let's not know all those amazing unknown information.
1. We are born with 300 bones but when we become adults we have 206 bones in our body.
3. There are about 10,000 trillion cells in our human body.
4. Nerve cells are created and changed throughout our lives.
5. The number of immune white blood cells is 250 crore, they live only 12 hours.
6. In a healthy body, the speed of blood is 6 miles per hour.
7. The strongest muscle in the human physique is the tongue.
8. We have a total of 3000 test buds on our tongue, with the help of which we taste.
9. Like fingerprints, each person's tongue print is different.
10. It takes 0.4 seconds to blink an eye.
11. Almost all people in the world have a special ingredient called Demodex in their eyelids.
12. When we sneeze, all kinds of work inside our body stops and even the heartbeat stops.
13. We can never open our eyes and sneeze.
14. One and a half acres of land will be required to arrange all the veins of the body side by side.
15. A person's nervous system is so long that it can spin the earth seven times.
16. Our brains can recognize and remember about 10,000 different smells.
16. Newborn babies are color blind, meaning they can only see white and black.
16. A person urinates 40,000 liters of urine in a lifetime.
19. There are 1 crore hair follicles on the skin of a human being.
20. A person breathes about 20,000 times a day.
22. Our hair and nails continue to grow even after death.
23. The human body loses about one million skin cells every day, amounting to 2 kilograms a year.
24. Feelings in the body and mind actually take 0.1 seconds to reach the brain.
25. The smallest bone in the body is the stapes which are located in our ears.
So friends, if you read the article, you will understand how many wonderful things surround our body. There are many more such things, not all can be said. And many things have not yet been discovered by scientists. Anyway, let me know what you think by commenting. Let me know what else you want to write about. And yes, if you like the article, you must share it. And stay with our website . Be very good and be healthy.
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